Wednesday, August 1, 2012

National Student Summer Food Summit! Don't Miss the Deadline!

Registration Closes for the National Summer Food Summit by Meal Exchange on August 10th! It will be August 17th to August 19th at the University of  Toronto: is your school represented? A great opportunity for youth to learn about national food security issues, build leadership skills, and meet other youth.   Check out the website and tell the students and youth you know about it.

The goals of the National Student Food Summit are to:
- Provide delegates with a greater understanding of  food issues on a national scale and begin narrowing their focus to the local level.
- Strengthen the student voice by profiling students as leaders within the food movement and providing delegates with a stronger vision for the future of food on campus.
- Increase delegates’ understanding of food security: thoughtful action is only possible when people are fully informed.
- Provide delegates with a greater understanding of the 6 principles of the National Student Food Charter and their relation to food on campus.

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